8 Things You Dont Know

Thursday, April 14, 2011
.... or if you're really close to me, you probably do know these things and will agree 100% percent! So here it is...  8 Things you don't (or do) know about Me! ( and in no particular order )

1.  Money, Money, Money!

No matter how much money I have to my name, I seem to always think and act like I have barely any. And I don't think it's that bad of a practice really..? I know I definitely got this wonderful trait from my dad. I remember grocery shopping with my parents and my dad would always pick up the nasty off-brand food. (which I get myself now) He would also drive all the way back to the restaurant or store even if it meant he'd save 50 cents! I thought he was just crazy back then, until I realized I'm just like him!

Example #1. I found AMAZING name brand boots at Bakers that I just had to have. They were $100, but I decided to splurge. As I walked around the mall more, I felt sick to my stomach. I went into a less expensive store, and low and behold were identical off-brand boots for $30!! You best believe I bought those and returned the others immediately! 

Example #2.  I have not had an electric Ameren bill over $45, all year, winter or summer. Yes, I don't turn my heat on or "rarely" ac on. I use a small heater/fan that I take from room to room. I think it does the trick..and saves me a ton of money.  Crazy?...maybe.  More money in my pocket?...Yes! :)

2. Do Re Me...

If you know me even a little bit, you know that I love singing! I have sang ever since I remember in church. I was the little kid in all the Christmas programs, front and center, dancing like crazy and singing loudly. I loved it and still do! I always have a song in my head and I love sharing my God-given gift whenever I can.  I always wanted to grow up and be a famous singer, although I never pursued that, it would still be an amazing dream of mine.

3. The Hotter the Better!

I just counted a couple minutes ago, how many "spicy" things I have in my fridge right now, and it was 13!...thats not even getting into my spice rack or pantry!  I seem to get called a freak for spicy stuff. I tend to think all my taste buds are burnt because not much is too spicy for me.  Just about everything I cook or order at a restaurant includes something spicy. ( I can even make a mean Spicy Ramen Noodles...ask Anthony, I think he almost died one night :) ) I'm the one at the Thai restaurant that says " I want a 9 or 10 on the spice scale "   There's not much more to say than that...other than, if it's spicy and makes my nose run or want to cry, I'm sure I'll love it!

4.  Blue & Yellow

Oh, Best Buy, you seem to never go away! I'm sure everyone knows I worked at Best Buy for what seems like an eternity..but really only 5 years. And honestly as much as I wanted to hate that place at times, it shaped me to be who I am and where I am! Ive made some really lasting friendships...and thankfully it got me the ability to transfer to St. Louis with a job. Not to mention, I met my boyfriend from Best Buy, which means I'll never escape that place! (but at least I'll get that discount! :) ) There are a ton of things I could say about my history with that place...but I'll only mention a couple. 

1. I will now ALWAYS have sympathy for customer service workers and anyone that has to work on Black Friday. I will not begin to get into the madness that goes into working retail during that time of year, but it is exhausting and very trying on my patience with people.

2. I no longer like working with people! haha... yes and oh so true. It's not that I dont like meeting people, but the people that I dealt with while in Customer Service and Geek Squad.... oh Buddy! My coworkers and managers definitely got to see a different side of me. Let's just say... I don't take much crap and if I'm getting yelled at and wanting their way, they're probably better off yelling at a tree.

3.  Working in Geek Squad for so long... I learned a TON of stuff and feel so much smarter! haha I had many of times, men walk up, wanting their computer looked at and fixed, and they'd ask for help...not realizing I was the one that was going to do it. I seriously had a guy tell me he didn't want to talk to me, but to a guy about his comp problems... as he proceeds to talk to my male coworker, I stand there...and the coworker turns to me to get the answer to the question, who he then relays it to the man. Priceless.

5. Patience is a Virtue...

...that I do not have. I am the MOST impatient person! I seriously wish I wasn't, but I can't change it! And I'm scared to pray for patience, because I don't want to be tested. LOL!  I have horrible road rage due to this. I also, if I decide I want something, I want it then and there, I don't want to order it and wait 3 weeks to get it. I'm horrible with surprises because I'm too impatient to keep it in! I could go on and on....but yes, ask my family... I'm oh so impatient!

6.  Christmas

I am a nerd about Christmas. I love everything about it, the music, lights, trees, smells, food, ornaments, movies...! I think I'm the way I am, because my family always did Christmas big! Decorations in every room. A ton of presents under the huge tree...etc. As the years go by, my mom unfortunately thinks she can stop putting so much Christmas stuff up because he don't live at home anymore... but MOM, You Still Have To! :)  As I'm looking for apartments right now, one of the criteria is to have a huge storage area for all my Christmas decorations. I have a ton! and I love it! I even put up my Christmas stuff the first day of November last year... haha and I wouldn't have it any other way!

7. Technology...

...is my friend. I blame this one on Best Buy and Geek Squad. I love technology and seem to use it in every aspect of my life. Not to mention I am a Graphic Designer and on the Computer 19 hours out of the day.  I would hate to add up the time that I have spent in front of a computer, tv, phone, or any screen for that matter.  Also, I am perfectly content with being behind a computer and behind the scenes. Also due to best buy and my "love" of clients, I'd rather design and code than talk. :)

8. Fears!

I have 2 huge Fears and I'm not sure how many people actually know them.

Fear #1. The Dark! I am deathly scared of the dark! I want you to picture this with me... It's nighttime and I'm about to go to bed, which means all the lights need to go out. So, I walk to the other room and turn on a light, then go back to the previous room and turn that light off, and so on, until I get to my bed with only my side light on!  I physically can not walk in a dark room. Anthony seems to like to turn the light off and see where I am when it comes back on... I'm usually in a fetal position, on the floor.  No fun!!

Fear #2. Failure!  I have a fear of failure. I don't think it is as drastic of a fear as my Dark one is, but it's still not great. I have always been scared to fail. I was the student that got A's in every class, on every test, and would stress so much to the point of feeling sick, thinking i failed a test, to find out.. I got an A. My fear also held me back from trying out for different things throughout school. I didn't want to try out if I thought I had any chance of not making it. This may also be why I didn't pursue a singing career, because I don't take failure well.  And when I do mess up or fail at something, I seem to beat myself up for a long time.

Well now that you know a little more about me or maybe laughed while reading this and saying "Yep, That is exactly you." It's kind of crazy how I can be pretty much summed up in just one blog post.  I'd also be interested to hear from my friends and family on your take from these 8 things.  Are they pretty accurate?!


  1. Dria said...:

    Love it!!! I kind of want to blog just so you can make me a cool website like this!! lol

    LOVE U!!!

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